British Values

British Values 

British Values are very important to us here at Ellwood Community Primary School. We are dedicated to promoting them within our school community in order to establish a strong sense of social and moral responsibility.


We see British Values as underpinning what it is to be a citizen in a modern and diverse Britain. We strive to create an environment which is free from discrimination, intolerance and hate. We want to challenge prejudice and stereotyping, whilst strengthening relationships within the community.


We regard people of all faiths, races and cultures with respect and tolerance and understand that while different people may hold different views about what is ‘right’ and ‘wrong’, all people living in England are subject to its law.


Whilst actively promoting these values with our pupils, we also work hard to try to plan and embed them into our curriculum. Through Geography, RE, and wider curriculum study they learn about the lifestyles of those further away to see that people around the world have the same fundamental values and principles that guide their life, but they may express these differently. This helps to ensure our pupils understand the importance of respect, so they are fully prepared to live and work in modern Britain as responsible citizens. 


Developing and promoting the Spiritual, Moral, Social and Cultural development of the pupils is also a very important part of promoting British Values.  

King's Coronation 
We had a fantastic time celebrating the King's Coronation. Each year group produced a piece of coronation artwork and the children enjoyed a special coronation picnic lunch. On Friday afternoon, parents and carers were invited into school to join in the celebrations with an afternoon tea and cake and to view our whole school art display. Children were also given a special commemorative coronation medal! 
Weekly Picture News
Classes have a 'Weekly Picture News' assembly each week to discuss a news topic. These assemblies link to British Values and Protected Characteristics. Children have a chance to voice their opinions and listen to those of others. 
Democracy and Individual liberty!
In Year 1, we enjoy voting for a story and spending time in the Key Stage 1 library choosing books to take home.
2023-2024 Achievements 
Year 3/4 football tournament
Well done to the Ellwood football team who had a fantastic tournament. They unfortunately lost in the final to a very strong Offa’s Mead team.
Gymnastics competition

Well done to the children for attending the gymnastic competition yesterday and contributing to Ellwood School winning the trophy!

Ellis (for training)
All children performed exceptionally well. Please see the positions they came below.
Year 3
Robyn 3rd
Year 6
Bella Pegler 1st
Abbie-Grace 2nd


Year 5 & 6
Florence 1st
Isabella 2nd
Layla 3rd
Mercedez 4th
Tabitha 5th
Year 5
Maisie 1st
Year 6 Level
Edith 1st
They all did so well and we are so proud of them!
Cross Country Individual Race

A massive well done to the cross country team (Jack, Stan, Alfie, Brady, Josh and Macey-Rose)! It was a very tough 2k race however they all showed determination and resilience.

Special mention for Jack (Year 6) and James (Year 4) who both came 7th in their respective races so will advance to the county trials.
New Age Kurling team

Well done to the kurling team who were amazing in their year 3/4 competition at Newent! They won their group and came third overall.

A culture built upon freedom and equality, where everyone is aware of their rights and responsibilities.
Pupils are involved in a democratic process to select their class school council members. Our school council is then able to voice the opinions of their peers and influence change within school. Pupils are encouraged to develop a sense of identity, respect for others, and an understanding of the society they live in. 
Pupils are taught how to voice their opinions in a respectful way and are given many choices throughout their school day, from voting for the class book to sharing their views on their learning.
By promoting British Values as part of SMSC, schools are encouraging students to engage with British society and its values in a positive way, while also promoting their holistic development
Mutual respect & tolerance of different faiths and beliefs
Understanding that we all don’t share the same beliefs and values. Learning to understand and respecting the values, ideas and beliefs of others whilst not imposing our own onto them.
We aim to create an ethos of inclusivity and tolerance where views, faiths, cultures and races are valued and children are engaged with the wider community. Through RE and topic work, pupils learn about different faiths, cultures and traditions. They are given opportunities to discuss the differences and similarities to their own lives and are taught how to respect and celebrate the differences. 
The rule of law

The need for rules to make a happy, safe and secure environment to live and work.
At Ellwood we share and follow our school behaviour policy. Pupils and staff collaborate together to create their own class rules, these are discussed and prioritised, based on the children's views of what will help keep everyone safe, maintain good order, enable learning and ensure fairness. 
We have visits from the local police who help pupils understand the importance of follow the law and help educate them about their responsibilities as citizens and keep safe. 
Cycling proficiency help pupils to understand parts of the Highway Code and the importance of following rules, guidelines and being safe. 
We celebrate road safety week, internet safety day, fire safety and sun safety day to support the children in understanding how they can keep themselves safe in their everyday life. 

  All members of the school community sign our Acceptable Use Policy and pledge to use the internet safely. 


Individual Liberty
Protection of your rights and the rights of others around you.
We strive to encourage children to develop a positive sense of themselves through a wealth of activities and opportunities designed to allow to them take risks, talk positively about themselves, share opinions and views in a safe environment and build their resilience. 
 Pupil voice is at the heart of our school culture. Staff and pupils have positive relationships so that pupils' voices feel valued and listened to. Pupils are given opportunities to share their opinions though listening boxes, pupil wellbeing questionnaires, school council, PSHE work and My Plan reviews.
As well as though our curriculum in areas such as e-safety, anti-bullying, sex and relationship education and drugs awareness education.