Free School Meal and Pupil Premium information

Pupil Premium is government funding designed to help all children, regardless of their financial background, reach their full potential. This funding is allocated to schools for pupils who are eligible for Free School Meals (FSM).

By claiming Free School Meals, your child not only benefits from a delicious, nutritious meal, but the school also receives additional funding. This funding is used to enhance teaching and learning, supporting every child’s education.


Is Your Child Eligible for Free School Meals?

To find out if your child qualifies for Free School Meals, use the easy-to-use eligibility checker on the Gloucestershire County Council website:


Universal Free School Meals for Reception to Year 2

In addition to Pupil Premium, the government provides Universal Free School Meals for all children in Reception, Year 1, and Year 2. This ensures that every child in these year groups receives a free, healthy meal at school.