Year 2 2024-2025

Welcome to Year 2
Meet the team...
Poetry Basket
Each year group will be learning at least 2 poems each term (please note the poems below have been chosen for children in Year 2).
We will perform and video our poems at the end of the term for you to enjoy!
Why is Poetry important?
"Learning poems together is an enjoyable way of experiencing the play of language
Reciting poetry creates a close bond between the adult and the child
Saying poems out loud emphasises the sounds and rhythms of language or the syllables contained in each word, a vital part of learning to read.
When reciting a poem with actions, children discover and use new words in an almost effortless way.
As children recite poetry, the neurons in their brain light up. By repeating and learning new poems regularly, they strengthen their ability for memorising in this way.
The more poems children hear and recite, the more capable they become of recognising and memorising patterns, a vital part of early maths."  Helicopter Stories 
Year 2 enjoyed their gymnastics sessions at a local gymnasium. What a great opportunity to learn new skills! 
English Spring Term 1
This term we based our English on the twisted tale, 'Jim and the Beanstalk' by Raymond Briggs. The children eventually wrote their own twisted tales, based on familiar fairy tales. We then moved onto instructional writing and wrote instructions to trap mythical creatures. To inspire our writing we had a brilliant morning in the school garden building traps!
English - Autumn Term 2 
This term we explored the text ‘The Owl who was afraid of the dark’ by Jill Tomlinson. The children eventually wrote diary entries from the perspective of ‘Plop’. We then continued with the theme of ‘dark’ and wrote poems describing all of the wonderful things darkness brings. 
English  - Autumn Term 1 
This term the children began by finding a treasure map which led to buried treasure! We then learnt the story of 'Pirate Tom' and the children eventually wrote their own pirate stories.
Then we explored the book 'The Hodgeheg', we began by making our own little hedgehogs! After learning about non-fiction reports and discovering lots of interesting facts about hedgehogs, we wrote own own information leaflets. The children were really proud of their work and shared it with year 1, before taking a copy home to show what amazing writing they have done.  
Cheltenham Literature Festival 2024
The children had a fantastic time at the Literature Festival. We managed to enter 'The Den' and use our creativity to design masks and book covers and then role-played characters using the dressing up! We attended a talk from Joseph Coelho which was really interactive and inspired the children to create their own poetry, both in school and at home!
Maths Spring Term 1
This term we learnt about properties of some 2D and 3D shapes. Then we moved onto multiplication and division. The children explored arrays, written and mental arithmetic and word problems. We are working hard to learn instant recall facts for our 2, 5 and 10 times tables. 
Maths - Autumn Term 2 
The children began the term continuing with addition and subtraction before learning about money. They used coins to support their learning to add pounds and pence, find totals, make the same amount in different ways, find change, compare money and solve 2-step problems! 
Maths - Autumn Term 1 
We began the year exploring place value. The children recapped their number bonds to 10 and 20 and related this knowledge to number bonds to 100. They partitioned 2-digit numbers and understood what each digit represents. 
We then moved onto applying our place value knowledge to addition and subtraction. The children learnt to 'add to make 10', using a range of resources and pictorial representations.