Early Help

Ellwood Community Primary School will use the procedures and guidance set out in the ‘Gloucestershire Safeguarding Children Handbook for DSL in Educational Settings’. 


Through this, we will follow the guidance from the Department for Education [DfE] ‘Keeping Children Safe in Education’ 2024.


Our school will use the 'Graduated Pathway of Early Help' and Support and 'Gloucestershire’s Levels of Intervention' guidance to keep children safe and to help determine the level of support needed for children and families. We will intervene as early as possible to prevent families and pupils reaching crisis point and the need for statutory intervention.


We will also seek advice from our Early Help Co-Ordinator, Community Social Worker (Kiera Shortman) and/or the MASH Team Practitioners (01452 426565) and refer to Early Help or Social Care where appropriate.


The school’s Safeguarding and Child Protection Policy needs to be read in conjunction with this document.